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Persuasive Speech

Speech by Louis Ng to Elias Park Primary Five students on February 12th, 2024, at the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation

Hello Elias Park, and welcome to the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation. I stand before you young minds today to discuss a topic that is very close to my heart. You may not know this, but I founded the Animal Concerns Research Concerns and Education Society, short for ACRES.

We rescue all kinds of animals but most importantly, we educate. Every living thing on this planet contributes to the balance of our ecosystem that has survived for millions and millions of years. I stand before you today to urge you to be our torchbearers of change.

Education is the foundation of change and you, my young friends, are the first step to be powerful advocates for the world. Schools are now integrating environmental education into your curriculum and today is an experience to connect you with the natural outdoor world.

I can only hope that through education, you will open your eyes and embrace a sense of responsibility to preserve the world that you currently see.

It is up to you to carry forth the effort we have put into and turn our world into something better for all walks of life. Let’s explore why it’s crucial for each and every one of you to care about the environment and the easy things you can do to make a difference.

I want you to think about when you were last at the beach or when you were having a picnic outside. But now imagine the beautiful places you’ve seen are now all gone because our trees are chopped down, our waters are dirty, and your favourite animals have nowhere to live. You all must also be aware the reasons why we’re here now; the destruction of our ecosystem because of the human activities on the environment.

This is why you must care for the environment so that places you’ve been, remain special for you, your families, and friends.

I encourage you to learn about the different species, their habitats, and the obstacles they go through to open your hearts and be determined to save them. For 23 years in ACRES I’ve been working with people from everywhere to save our helpless creatures, but it’s still not enough. You must all do your part to reduce waste, practise good recycling and using sustainable products from a young age. Every little thing you do leaves a mark and an impact.

You guys remember how to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle? When you use less plastic, if recycle your paper or even toys, you can do a lot of difference. If something you have is still in good condition, you don’t have to buy a new one. Bring along a grocery bag with you everywhere!

Another thing you can do is save water. If every single person can turn off their tap while brushing teeth and turn off the shower when you’re putting soap on, you can save a lot of water. You just need to be mindful of how much water you use just so you know there’s enough water for everyone – humans, animals and even plants!

Lastly, your powerful, powerful voice. Talk about the environment with your families, friends and even your teachers. You don’t have to stand up on stage and speak, but I encourage you to just speak and exchange ways or tips to be sustainable.

You can even just go outdoors together and observe the beauty surrounding you. The more you learn about our beautiful mother nature, the more you will love our planet.

Which is why you’re here today to be active participants of saving our planet. You will firsthand get to meet creatures from everywhere and you will understand for yourself that only you can help them. You all possess an unparalleled ability to take on roles of protector, caretaker, and driver of positive change.

I urge you to engage in activities. I urge you to be mindful. I urge you to volunteer. I urge you to care.

This isn’t for us but for you. You must start appreciating and understanding the ground you walk on every day to ensure a brighter and healthier future for yourselves and every living thing. Be the hero the adults could never be. Be stronger than us. Be the change the world needs.

My References