For Singapore Red Cross' upcoming anniversary in 2023, they wanted to hold an exhibition to showcase their gratitude for the nurses, social workers and volunteers behind the everyday routine of the Home for the Disabled. Scroll down for more!
One of RCHD's regular volunteers spends his day playing and connecting with his friend, resident, Muhammad Noor Bin Abdul Rashid. (PHOTO: QISTINA HATTA)
As one of the 3 photographers representing RP, we split into 3 different sections of the Home to capture as many natural moments as we could.
I was stationed with a Social Worker who works closely and tirelessly with the patients and their caregivers. I got the insight to how her job is and words cannot describe the respect I have from watching her work.
The exhibition for Singapore Red Cross' anniversary is still far ahead but will be put up in appreciation for the staff and social workers behind the homes who take care of our loved ones.
The photo essay was crafted by myself, with their approval.